Spring lunch menu at DOM №10

Spring creates the mood for even very important matters. Naturally, it dominates the updated menu of business lunches as well.
The gastronomic color array of the menu combines all tones of green: from light bright green to emerald.
In a salad with salmon, our chef George Sharuev combines baby spinach leaves with soy sprouts and edamame beans. In a salad with baked chicken, spinach perfectly goes with fragrant coriander leaves, small radish and ligneous mushrooms in a sweet chili sauce. Also, it is ideally paired with basil in green orzo pasta with parmesan and goat cheese.
Keeping with the spring theme, the baked fish cakes of zander and salmon are served with sweet summer peas stew, and the silky tenderness of pelati tomatoes cream soup with thyme, tabasco and chickpeas is emphasized by crispy kale chips.
We look forward to seeing you for spring business lunches on weekdays between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
10, Spaska St.